Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Picture Stories

The Story

I feel that this picture tells a story because the girl looks like she's thinking that she's an outsider and that no one else will talk or joke around with her. I think that she wants to be a part of the group and have the feeling that she fits in with everyone else.

Action and Emotion

This picture shows great action because it captures the fire being blown out of the torch. The emotion being displayed is the "excitement" on the faces of the boys.

Filling The Frame

This picture fit "filling the frame" perfectly because it has a foreground, middle ground, and background to the picture. It also shows good details on the trumpet.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Pinhole Evaluations

The focus in this picture is sharp. The image is kind of warped but not too much. The warp makes the building appear to be elongated.

I don't really care for this picture because you can't really tell what it is or what they were trying to catch. Part of the picture is sharp and the other part is soft. The part that is sharp is the street and the soft part is the top part of the building. Also, the picture is warped at the top, the warping makes this building look like it is curved (like a wave).