Thursday, November 1, 2007

Picture Questions

1. What challenges did you encounter while trying to get close, capture real moments, and capture action or emotion? How did you deal with these?

Challenges I encountered was trying to get close enough to the person while also trying to not bump into them while they were walking. The way I dealt with that challenge was by just doing my best to fill the frame and capture a "perfect" picture.

2. What technical aspects of photography (focus, exposure, composition) did you find yourself thinking about the most, and how did you make sure you did these correctly?

The technical aspects of photography I found myself focusing on the most was position and making sure my pictures were in focus.

3. Describe how you attempted to use at least one of the advanced composition techniques when you shot.

Questions about Sugar Hill slideshow

A. What skills in addition to photography did Melanie Burford utilize to produce this slideshow?

The other skills that Melanie used are audio recordings and video editing.

B. What was the effect (added power or meaning) of the multimedia effects of the slideshow.

The added power to the multimedia effects of the slideshow are mourning.

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